If you are paying attention to their tantrum, it reinforces the behavior. Your child will try to gain attention, even if it is negative.

Every parent has to deal with situations when their children throw unexpected tantrums at any time of the day. It often becomes frustrating. But that’s ok, don’t worry, it’s very typical. 
Every child goes through the stages where temper tantrums are normal. Often, parents use discipline tactics, which makes the situation even worse.
Using punishment strategies to discipline children for wrongdoing is not advisable. Parents think that by doing this, they will stop the behavior and forget about teaching their children the right skills.
If your child is going through a stage where temper tantrums are expected, avoid making a few mistakes.
MKH Center | Kids Tantrum

Kids Boundaries Episodes

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Basic mistakes to avoid when dealing with Tantrum

Paying attention to their tantrum

If you are paying attention to their tantrum, it reinforces the behavior. Your child will try to gain attention, even if it is negative. If you say things like Don’t cry, stop crying, or Stop behaving like a baby, it will encourage them to continue with these temperaments. Likewise, the parents who continue to reason with their children provide them with reasons of reinforce for their screaming to continue. Saying things such as I am sorry, I will take you outside, or Would you love to eat ice cream or chocolate won’t help either.

Remaining calm and not paying

Remaining calm and not paying attention to the situation is the best strategy to deal with such behavior. Avert your eyes and pretend you can’t hear a scream, but make sure you don’t provide your child any attention at the moment.

Consoling your children

Suppose your child is upset and is genuinely crying, then, by all means, console and love them. But if they are lying on the floor, pounding their fists because they don’t want to sleep or want to reinforce their behavior. Don’t console them, as it encourages reinforcement. Teach your children healthy ways to deal with such emotions.
Don’t pay heed to such requests that are simply for unwanted attention. Tantrums are one way the children adapt to get their things done. Let’s understand in detail how tantrums happen and what the ways to deal with them effectively.

Why do tantrums happen?

Children express their frustration when they cannot get things made their way by using tantrums. This is because your child may have trouble expressing or figuring out something. This may lead to throwing up emotions or tantrums. It can occur because children don’t have the words to describe what they feel or want. It can trigger an outburst which can result in tantrums. Of Course, this is temporary, but it becomes very frustrating for parents, especially when children become out of control in the supermarket or the store. When the child is hungry, is not feeling well, or is in a transition phase, their behavior is more likely to develop into a tantrum.

Do young children have tantrums for a reason?

See, it is essential to note that young children don’t plan to frustrate their parents. These are their ways of expressing their frustration. When children are older, their way of expressing tantrums is in the form of learning behavior. If you continue to reward them for their tantrums, like gifting them toys or chocolates, then the tantrums are more likely to continue.

Can we prevent the tantrums?

There is no guarantee or foolproof that the tantrums can be prevented, but there are plenty of ways to encourage good behavior in children, even when the children are too young.

Here are some Parenting Use Cases: 

Be consistent with children

Establish a routine for your children. Do this as much as possible because your children will know what to expect. Stick to this routine and include nap time, eating time, and bedtime. The children can also develop tempers if they do not rest enough in their everyday routine.

Let your children make the right choices

Avoid saying no to everything if possible. Give your toddler the feeling of control by letting him make his or her choices. For example- ask them if you would like to wear a particular dress or not. Would you like to eat a mango or an apple? If you would love to paint or read a book?

Praise their good behavior

Offer your children attention when they require it. For example- praise them for their excellent behavior. Please hug them or tell them how proud you are of their actions or actions. Show your love towards them.

Plan ahead

Run errands when you know your child isn’t likely tired or hungry. If there are chances that you need to wait in, then you can pack toys for them or give them the snacks to keep, buddy.

Avoid situations that can escalate to developing tantrums

Don’t give toys to your children that are too advanced for them. Even if they beg for treats or toys, steer clear of the areas with the temptations. 

What is the best way to respond to a tantrum?

The best way to respond to a tantrum is by staying calm. If you shout or throw your anger, then it is likely that your child will also imitate your behavior. Yelling the child to control the situation will make it worse.
Instead, try to distract your child. You may take your child out for a walk, change his location, or even give him an activity to keep busy. If you have asked him to do something against him or her, you will offer help by indulging yourself in the activity. If you have asked him to stop playing in a specific area, show and explain where it is perfect for playing.
Further, if your child is hitting or trying to show tantrums on the street, take control of this behavior by holding him or her until they calm down. Explain to him when he is ready to listen. Talk and explain when he calms down.

How to deal with when children become destructive?

When you notice that the tantrum is escalating to worse, then remove your child from the situation and enforce the following-
If your child starts running or wandering, return him to the same place to calm down. Please don’t respond to anything until then.
Keep yourself calm and say you are here for him during quiet dow

The Tactics that will help you deal with tantrums and circumstances

Many parents often need to step back, take a breath and remind themselves that there are effective strategies to deal with toddler tantrums. Here are some of the best tactics that will work for you as well as every parent-

Making efforts to avoid the situation in the first place

Always remember that young child they need rest, food, sleep, attention, and your love. If any of these things fall out of business, be ready to face their tantrum. Therefore, it is always advisable to fulfill these basic requirements of the children.  Children learn by interacting with others. And as their parents, they need you the most. Most of the tantrums would be to seek your attention. That doesn’t mean you have to drop everything and come to them. It would help if you thought about how much time and attention they need in a day. Make it easy on yourself, too, by involving yourself in other tasks. For example, children love doing chores, so you can indulge them in helping you or even washing a few plastic dishes.

Warnings about the upcoming transitions

Whenever something new is about to happen, for example- you need to move to a different place or pick up some recent activity, warn your child that a transition is approaching. In five minutes we have to go for a walk or get on with the dinner or let us get dressed in 10 minutes to go to the market. Toddlers won’t understand what 10 minutes are, but it will give them a warning and help them mentally and physically prepare to finish what they are doing and prepare for the next thing.

Make efforts to provide your children with the meaningful choices

Always provide your children with options; it will make them feel empowered. They will feel like they are the decision-makers, and it can help avoid tantrums. It can also help in dealing with mini tantrums. For example, telling them, they can have chocolate at the moment and like to have a Choco chip shake. Or by allowing them to exercise their decision. Understand and note how often you are saying no to your toddler. If you are constantly saying no, avoid doing that and use other strategies that can work. Build a positive atmosphere as well as interactions. It will help them be more positive and feel more empowered.

Be Strong!

Try never to give in to your children’s demands and use alternatives as an acceptable solutions. Be patient and calm when dealing with the children because they look up to us and model our behavior in the best possible manner.

Essential tips to follow when your child is throwing major tantrums

Parenting teaches us so many things, and the most important is patience

As children grow, their behavior changes, they learn and excel. It is our responsibility to be with them and teach them what is right and wrong. If you’re dealing with frequent tantrums, it is ok; try to tell and comfort yourself that this shall pass too. Learn more about it in this course.

When do you need professional assistance?

As your child grows, the tantrums should become less common. Many children begin to have fewer tantrums as they are three and above. If your child is not improving and is constantly hurting himself, hold on to your breathing, and if the situation worsens even if he has crossed four, you can share your concerns with experts. The experts can help you deal with the issues much more effectively.
If you need assistance and would love to learn more about parenting techniques and strategies, you are welcome to be with us at Make Kids Happier Center
We will always assist you with all kinds of support you are looking forward to while dealing with your children. You can visit our website and learn more about the services
We are always available to assist you: Parenting Online Courses or One-One Family Therapy.
Always remember, our children are just like us. It’s just that they cannot express their feelings through words and vent their anger and frustrations by yelling, shouting, or throwing unexpected tantrums. As parents, we need to understand their point of view and take proactive actions to help them overcome these. We hope our shared ideas and tips will quickly help you deal

Parents Reviews


"... She is there all the time, and she helps me a lot to understand my children, it may be absurd, but I was not taught that being a mother is the hardest job I will ever have to do in my life. It is indeed a process Long but how fun it is to have her, you can always cry to her, laugh with her and tell her everything. I highly recommend Efrat, she can be a wave of delegation for you as well!... " Review @ Google!


“ We want to say thank you! We wanted to learn how to deal with him without getting out of control and without being the shouting and threatening parent. Today, we know the right way to deal with the challenges that different situations present to us and set boundaries in a supportive rather than punitive manner.”

When do you need professional assistance?

The lesson is part of a complete course on coping with power struggles and focuses on tantrums for ages 0-9.

Three tactics for Childs have tantrums.

If you are paying attention to their tantrum, it reinforces the behavior.

Your child will try to gain attention, even if it is negative.

MKH Center | Kids Tantrum

Every parent has to deal with situations when their children throw unexpected tantrums at any time of the day. It often becomes frustrating. But that’s ok, don’t worry, it’s very typical

Every child goes through the stages where temper tantrums are normal. Often, parents use discipline tactics, which makes the situation even worse.
Using punishment strategies to discipline children for wrongdoing is not advisable. Parents think that by doing this, they will stop the behavior and forget about teaching their children the right skills.
If your child is going through a stage where temper tantrums are expected, avoid making a few mistakes.

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Parents Reviews


"... She is there all the time, and she helps me a lot to understand my children, it may be absurd, but I was not taught that being a mother is the hardest job I will ever have to do in my life. It is indeed a process Long but how fun it is to have her, you can always cry to her, laugh with her and tell her everything. I highly recommend Efrat, she can be a wave of delegation for you as well!... " Review @ Google!


“ We want to say thank you! We wanted to learn how to deal with him without getting out of control and without being the shouting and threatening parent. Today, we know the right way to deal with the challenges that different situations present to us and set boundaries in a supportive rather than punitive manner.”

Tantrum Class


Part of the Power Struggles Course

The lesson is part of a complete course on coping with power struggles and focuses on tantrums for ages 0-9.

  • In the lesson, you will learn how to deal with children’s angry outbursts by providing practical tools.
  • You will be able to understand the child’s experience during the outburst, and with the right tactics, you will learn how to help yourself and them calm down and cope with feelings of anger successfully.

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