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VOD Course: Build a healthy Sibling Relationship

A family is a network of relationships. Every kid and parent’s behavior  can affect the relationship within the family and between each other. Our part as parents is crucial for the sibling relationship. We influence the quality of the siblings’ relationship, and we need to do it correctly! Join us to learn strategies and methodology to build the siblings’ relationship.

What I will learn?

  • Learn how to build and maintain a relationship between siblings. How to deal with conflicts, and how/when to react to Sibling rivalry.
  • We will learn how to produce and build a bond between your children while dealing with their conflicts.
  • How do we reduce envy and competition, and why will emotional states not affect siblings' relationships?
  • What happens when sibling rivalry appears, how should we react, and when?
  • We will discuss and learn HOW TO REACT in order to build the relationship.
  • Get the tools and strategies to help develop your kids' self-confidence as siblings and as individuals.

Course Curriculum

How Can We Build Healthy Relationships Between Siblings?

  • 01:26
  • Lecture 2 VOD | Support Our Kids in Building a Healthier and Better Relationship
  • Lecture 3 VOD | The Influences on Sibling Relationships
  • Lecture 4 VOD | How Can We Avoid Destructive Sibling Relationships?
  • Lecture 5 VOD | What Steps SHOULD We Take to Improve Sibling Relationships?

Reduce and Solve Conflicts?

Verbal and Physical Fighting

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Material Includes

  • Presentation with all the slides of the Course.
  • Takeaway notes and tasks to implement at home.
Sibling Rivalry Bullet Points Course

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