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PodCast Course: How Can We Deal with Power Struggles?

Power struggles at home are the situations we find out for ourselves – who has more power, the parents or the children? Then we choose the right path.
There will never be a winner and loser between parents and children in these situations. Both sides lose! There is direct damage to our trust in our children, and they will likely lose their trust in us, as well. The struggles at home result in a loss of temper and a lack of control.  Parents whose job is to be the anchor in the house are perceived as helpless and do not serve as a personal example to their children due to their inability to control their anger.

What I will learn?

  • Learn how to prevent power struggles and how to deal with them, these struggles can be prevented, and there are ways to address and stop them!
  • We will learn to identify the power struggles, and we will understand how to diagnose whether they are occurring in our homes.
  • How struggles are born, what are the triggers that can cause small arguments to erupt, and how to prevent them?
  • We will delve into the ways of coping during a power struggle and also learn how to deal with it so that the struggles are avoided and do not erupt.

Course Curriculum

Power Struggles – How and Why Do They Appear?

How Can We Deal with Power Struggles?

Power Struggles by Different Ages

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Material Includes

  • Presentation to download
  • Keynotes and takeaway notes to practice at home.

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