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PodCast Course: How Can We Raise Cooperative Children?

This course focuses on how Raising cooperative kids is a crucial aspect of parenting. Cooperation is a fundamental social skill that makes family life more harmonious and contributes significantly to a child’s social development. Cooperation is vital to building strong relationships.
By raising cooperative kids, you’re helping them develop
the skills to build and maintain healthy relationships both now and in the future.

What I will learn?

  • The meaning of Conversation Time and Reaction Time
  • This course will provide you with tools to change your typical responses to the correct responses that can produce healthy communication between our children and us and create agreements for mutual respect.
  • What are our common reactions as parents? What happens when children do not cooperate with us? What happens to us?
  • What is the children's world, and how can we put ourselves in their shoes to understand their feelings? How do they feel following our reactions?

Course Curriculum

How Can We Raise Cooperative Children?

How Can We Make the Right Response for Cooperative Children?

Practicing Correct Responses and Summary

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Material Includes

  • Presentation Deck, which includes all the slides from the Course.
  • Keynotes and take away notes.

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