What to do instead of Punishments for kids?

Boundaries- Asserting Parents

In the earlier days, the word punished, and discipline was often used interchangeably. However, with the changing types, an important realization that has been inflicted on all of us is that there are other better ways to make children learn from their mistakes and correct their behavior. Before we start reacting or punishing the child, an important thing to keep in mind is that most behavior stems from their surroundings. Some are even in response to certain development stages, and feelings about specific events.

As a parent, it is our job to teach them to behave properly but we must keep in mind that there are other healthy ways to teach the right thing to the children.

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"... She is there all the time, and she helps me a lot to understand my children, it may be absurd, but I was not taught that being a mother is the hardest job I will ever have to do in my life. It is indeed a process Long but how fun it is to have her, you can always cry to her, laugh with her and tell her everything. I highly recommend Efrat, she can be a wave of delegation for you as well!... " Review @ Google!


“ We want to say thank you! We wanted to learn how to deal with him without getting out of control and without being the shouting and threatening parent. Today, we know the right way to deal with the challenges that different situations present to us and set boundaries in a supportive rather than punitive manner.”

 Punishments and Reward Course

Join me in this Parenting Course. We will dispel the punishment stigmas and why punishments are not helpful. Learn why punishments humiliate and are not effective. LEARN MORE!

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