How Birth Order Shapes Our Personalities and Family Bonds
Discover how birth order influences personalities & family dynamics. Explore stereotypes, traits, & factors shaping who we become.
The Hidden Impact of Sibling Comparisons: What Every Parent Should Know
Explore the lasting impact of sibling comparisons on mental health. Learn to nurture individual growth, promote open communication, and…
Comparisons Between Sibling
Sibling Comparisons The correct comparison must first be to myself, because what is right for me is not necessarily suitable for them. What will make me successful, together with the character traits I have acquired in my life, does not guarantee that the other person will have the same achievements. This content is for Members […]
Tactics to improve Sibling Rivalry and to build the relationship between kids
Sibling rivalry develops when they compete or fight out for their parent’s attention and love. Some of these signs could be fighting, hitting, name-calling.
All this is displayed through immature behavior. When the level of fights or their rivalry is moderate, it is a sign of a healthy aspect as they express their needs and desires to each other.
In simple words, it describes their ongoing conflict. It can happen between blood-related siblings or even cousins.
The 3 main steps to teach kids to resolve conflicts?
How well your children can resolve the conflicting situations is largely dependent on their age, experiences, and stage of development. For example- a toddler won’t understand how to compromise or resolve a sibling fighting situation without support from an elder or how to deal with emotional situations. All of them need a little help in the kids fighting.